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Uhapsheni impeachment for the father of explosive attacks on the Russian consulate at Marseu

Uhapsheni impeachment for the father of explosive attacks on the Russian consulate at Marseu

MARSEY – The duo of Muskarata were captured in a terrible manner and subacilly explosively to the Russian consulate near the French city of Marseille.

Uhapsheni se sumњiche da su pondeљak bacili „three eksplozivne na pravo domћe proizvodњe” at the tower of the General Consulate of Russia at Marseљu, transfer Parisien.

The police ordered three bottles of half a liter from Pita. Whatever the case, the consulat has detonated, or the thread has been damaged.

Trouble at Marseљu, direct Parisiјen, reklo је yes su dvoјitsa muskaratsa zahapshen sinoћ current of protest guards at the sign of the subversive of Ukraine.

They su identify on the basis of the picture of the poor camera near the consulate. Obviously, Marsey’s distress opened her fears about a new incident.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs called their attacks on the consulate “terrorism.”

“Zakhtevamo yes zemya domovin odmakh preduzme svoobukhatne istrazhennoe kosmeta, kao i smeza zachaњe zachaњe obekateka of the Ministry of the Russian Ambassadors,” advertisement from the port-parolk of the Russian Ministry of the Russian Ambassadors Maria Zakharova, bring Tanјug.



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