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Prisoners will no longer contribute to electricity

Prisoners will no longer contribute to electricity

For years, using additional equipment, such as a TV, laptop or even a gaming console (for which the head of the prison must issue a permit), did not involve any additional costs. However, in 2022, the legislator considered this situation to be "unacceptable from a social point of view, because every citizen must pay the fees for using such equipment on their own."

Therefore, the amendment to the Executive Penal Code, which came into force on 1 January 2023, introduced the obligation to pay a flat fee of PLN 15 for each prisoner. According to Article 110b § 3 of the Executive Penal Code, the fee is subject to deduction from the funds at the convict's disposal. This deduction is made in advance on the first working day of each month and is non-refundable.



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