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Objectives, figures, participants… How Bayrou sowed confusion before the start of his “conclave” on pensions

Objectives, figures, participants… How Bayrou sowed confusion before the start of his “conclave” on pensions

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ANALYSIS - The Prime Minister has reopened this thorny issue and entrusted it to the social partners, who are holding their first meeting this Thursday. But his U-turns and pressure tactics are complicating their task.

Finally, D-Day. Nearly a month and a half after François Bayrou announced the creation of a " conclave " on pensions , union and employer organizations are starting a series of meetings this Thursday to "improve" the 2023 pension reform. This discussion, which the Prime Minister promised would be "without taboos" , responds to the aspirations of the left and a long-standing request from employee representatives, who still dream of bringing down the 64-year-old totem. A way of putting social democracy before political democracy. In a weak position at his appointment and threatened by censure , the Béarnais had no choice but to give this pledge to the socialists. However, during the seven weeks between the announcement and the first meeting on Thursday, the objectives and formalities of the conclave have continued to evolve.

Latest example: according to our information, Matignon sent a letter to the participants...

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